Dear Commercial Booth Exhibitors,
The Todd County Ag Society would like to take this opportunity to invite you to take part in the 2024 Todd County Fair.
The Todd County Fair offers free gate admission, free parking, and provides fair goers with a lot of good family entertainment, great food, clean buildings and grounds, and a carnival featuring Greater Midwest Shows with armband specials.
Grandstand Events include:
- Thursday, June 27th, Family Fun Night 7 pm
- Friday, June 28th, Triple B Rodeo 7 pm
- Saturday, June 29th, Demolition Derby 7 pm
- Sunday, June 30th, Truck/Tractor Pull 1 pm
Attractions include:
- 4-H and Open Class Exhibits
- Entertainment – Bands Daily
- Demonstrations/Presentations
- Activities for young and old
- Free Sweet Corn Feed
- Little Scraper Pedal Pull (children and adults)
These are just a few of the events that are scheduled more are in the works. Check the website for up to date schedule.
A big THANK YOU, to all of our dedicated commercial exhibitors who have participated in the past year’s Todd County Fair. You have helped make the fair the success that it is. We welcome you back to the 2024 fair.
Enclosed are the Reservation and Minnesota Sales Tax – ST 19 forms. You also need to enclose a copy of your Certificate of Insurance. Again this year we are offering an Early Bird Discount forms and fee must be postmarked by May 1st, 2024, reservations will be accepted until June 26th, 2024. Booth reservations are based on first come first serve basis. If you want the same booth you had last year indicate that on the registration form, return all forms and payment as soon as possible. If you do not wish to have a Commercial Booth, please let me know immediately via telephone or email.
Booth setup: Wednesday, June 26th , from 9:00 am – 8:00 pm or Thursday, June 27th , 9:00 am – 11:00 am. All booths must be setup by 12:00 pm (noon) Thursday, June 27th, 2024.
Booth removal: SUNDAY, JUNE 30th **AFTER 6:30 pm**(not anytime BEFORE) until 9 pm or MONDAY, July 1st 9 am – 12 pm.
Commercial Exhibit Buildings will open each day at noon to the public. Buildings will close at 10:00 pm. PLEASE inform your booth staff as to when buildings open and close.
Keep this letter for your information and for your booth staff/workers.
The Todd County Ag Society (Todd County Fair) prohibits the distribution of all stickers, pamphlets, literature, buttons or any other information materials, etc., on the grounds of the Todd County Fair. Materials must be distributed from your booth.
Thank you for your promptness. It is necessary to have all booth payments and reservations/forms in by July 26th, unless you are taking advantage of the early bird discount, which must be postmarked MAY 1st. All Booth Exhibitors/Vendors must return the copy of the Minnesota Sales Tax form ST19 this is a must to avoid any fines that we the fair or you the vendor may encounter.
If someone you know has a business, product or project to promote or inform the public about, they will want to be at the 2024 Todd County Fair, have them give me a call and I will send them a booth registration packet as well.
If you have any questions give me a call at 320-732-2739 leave a message and I will return your call or email me at
Thank you for your past and continued support. See you at the fair!
Debra L. Durheim, Secretary