

Farm Family of the Year TREVOR LISSON FAMILY

2024 recipient Todd Co Farm Family of the Year!
Award Presentation at Todd County Fair
SATURDAY, JUNE 29 • 2:30 pm
Entertainment Pavilion Award Presentation at Farm Fest:  
To Be Determined

2024 Century Farm JASON & AMANDA PARKER



2021   Lawrence & Sharon Iverson, Osakis (1916)

Tom Miller, West Union (1920)


2019   Nalewaja Willow Hill Farm, Browerville

2018   Wanda Rosenow, Long Prairie


2016  Geraldine (Spychala) Jagush, Browerville

2015  Joe Brichacek, Browerville

2015  Ron Hengemuhle, Long Prairie

2015  Earl & Shirley Johnson, Bertha

2015  Joseph & Judy Marte, Browerville

2015  Bruce Sadlemyer, Carlos

2015  Aloysius & Beverly Wettstein, Long Prairie

2014  Scott & Sheila Becker, Staples

2014  Gerryl Didier, Osakis

2014  Mary Ann Ehnes, Eagle Bend

2014  Robert & Marcella Gaugert, Staples

2014  Donald Klinkhammer, Long Prairie

2014  Lee & Mark Martinek, Browerville

2012  Carol Gorghuber, Bertha

2012 Wayne Voge, Bertha

2011  Merl Farber,  Lowry (1911) property Osakis  

2011  Robert & Christine Feieranbend,  Grey Eagle (1910)  

2011  David Zinter,  Long Prairie (1900)

2010  Frank & Agnes Chihos,  Clarissa (1907)

2010  Anthony & Debra Clasemann,  Long Prairie (1910)

2010  Robert & Lynnae Hager,  Browerville (1910)

2008  Glenn and Geneva Pesta,  Long Prairie (1908)

2007  Robert and Katherine Williams,  Sauk Centre (1906)

2007  Larry and Linda Paskewitz,  Browerville (1907)

2007  Ted and Judy Kramer,  Long Prairie (1907)

2006  Jeffrey and Elizabeth Brown,  Browerville (1884)

2006  Adam and Sharon Uecker,  Grey Eagle (1905)

2005  Philip and Malene Larson, Osakis (1905)

2005  Dale and Arliss Lovelace,  Vernadale (1884)

2005  Gerald and Allen Roerick,  Freeport (1904)

2004  Richard Baron,  Browerville (1883)

2004  Joan Arndt, Joyce Quam, Tom Rydberg,  Hutchinson (1904)

2003  Charles and Maryann Anderson,  Hewitt (1902)

2003  Bernard and Dorothy Voge,  Robinsdale (1890)

2003  Walter and Hazel Wiese,  Verndale (1897)

2001  Charles and Joann Jackson,  Eagle Bend (1901)

2001  Audrey and Warren Jacobson,  Clarissa (1901)

2001  Gerald Lenk,  Browerville (1900)

2001  Duane and Linda Peterson,  Eagle Bend (1900)

2000  Robert A and Lovonne Haburn,  Osakis (1895)

2000  Duane and Shirley Laumeyer,  Long Prairie (1899)

2000  Ervin and Nelda Schlichting,  Bertha (1900)

1999  Joseph, Mary and Robert Lamusga,  Browerville (1888)

1999  Sidney A and Rita M Lyon, Grey Eagle (1889)

1999  William F Marty,  Grey Eagle (1883)

1999  Michael and Josephine Maschler,  Browerville (1882)

1999  Herbert and Rosemarie May,  Browerville (1889)

1998  Dennis and Kathleen Dueker,  Osakis (1898)

1998  Karen and Norval Hustoft,  Sauk Centre (1898)

1998  William and Tammy Maschler,  Browerville (1898)

1998  Robert and Roselyn Motl, Browerville (1898)

1998  Paul H and Lois Reinbold, Long Prairie (1898)

1997  Richard and Judith Decker,  Bertha (1890)

1997  Reinhardt and Florence Haase,  Bertha (1883)

1997  Norman Jr Kleinschmidt,  Long Prairie (1894)

1996  Wayne D and Donna Hansmann,  Sauk Centre (1895)

1996  Donald and Rebecca Jackson,  Eagle Bend (1891)

1996  Larry L and Lavonne A Wegner,  Bertha (1896)

1994  Olga Branum,  Clarissa (1890)

1994  Stanley and Birginia Brichacek,  Browerville (1889)

1994  Mabel S Skoglund,  Eagle Bend (1892)

1994  Agnes Woge,  Clarissa (1892)

1993  Fred A Katz,  Bertha (1892)

1993  Roy and Joan (Rapp) Lee,  Long Prairie (1893)

1993  Paul H and Lois Pischke,  Sauk Centre (1893)

1993  Verne and Janice Smith,  Motley (1892)

1993  Rodney and Bertha Westergren,  Bertha (1892)

1992  Sandra and Richard Barrett and Rexeisen,  Little Sauk (1879)

1992  Kenneth and Elaine Carlson,  Eagle Bend (1892)

1992  Royce M and Dorothy A Johnson,  Long Prairie (1888)

1992  Raymond Mau,  Long Prairie (1892)

1992  Herman and Shirley E Sorenson,  Osakis (1883)

1992  Morris H Titrud,  Clarissa (1892)

1991  Allan and Leanne Becker,  Long Prairie (1891)
1991  Florian Hynnek,  Browerville (1891)
1991  Ray and Lucy Marthaler,  Osakis (1891)
1991  Richard and Ruth Peterson,  Long Prairie (1891)
1991  Mrs. Virgil N Sliter,  Hewitt (1887)
1991  Arthur T Swanson,  Long Prairie (1891)

1990  John Kroll,  Long Prairie (1890)
1990  Harrison and Crystal Lowe,  Long Prairie (1886)

1988  Sylvester and Helen Botzet,  Osakis (1888)
1988  Louis L Lenk,  Browerville (1888)
1988  Edward W Zappe,  Browerville (1874)

1987  Rudolph May,  Browerville (1887)

1986  David J And Georgetta Kolhase,  Bertha (1883)
1986  Vernon Macho,  Browerville (1878)

1984  Charles Robert Hector,  Osakis (1884)
1984  David M Jacobson,  Sauk Centre (1883)
1984  Alden N Johnson,  Osakis  (1881)

1983  Gordon Holm,  Sauk Centre (1882)
1983  Dale Katterhagen,  Browerville (1879)

1982  Jack D Costello,  Grey Eagle (1870)
1982  Earl R and Lynn W Erickson,  Verndale (1882)
1982  Iris L and Lyle E Evers,  Grey Eagle (1882)

1980  Loren Hughes,  Osakis (1867)

1978  Wendell and lucille Olson,  Long Prairie (1878)

1977  Alma Bundy,  Osakis (1870)
1977  Darrell Stemoe,  Osakis (1875)

1976  Ronald R and Carmen Arnold ,  Long Prairie (1875)
1976  Esther and Sons Moore,  Osakis (1873)
1976  Howard and Dennis Tyrrell,  Browerville (1873)